Mananged elements

This guide provides an intro to Dagster managed elements. Managed elements allow you to centralize the configuration for your data stack, specifying configuration in Python code. You can check-in and version your config with version control or programatically generate config for more complex use-cases.

Currently, the following integrations support managed elements:

Getting started#

In order to use managed elements, you must first install the dagster-managed-elements package. This includes the base APIs used by each implementation, as well as making the managed elements CLI available, available as dagster-me.

Every managed element is controlled by a ManagedElementReconciler implementation. Typically, all of the reconcilers in your project are colocated in a single Python module, which the dagster-me CLI will use to discover reconcilers.

Using the dagster-me CLI#

The dagster-me CLI allows you to check the synchronization status of your managed elements, as well as to apply any config changes.

Checking the status of your managed elements#

To load all managed element reconcilers in a module and check their status, you can run:

dagster-me check --module my_python_module.my_submodule

This will print out a diff of the current state and the desired state for each reconciler.

You may also specify a working directory to search for the module in:

dagster-me check --module my_python_module.my_submodule --working-directory ./my_project

Additionally, you can specify one or more Python object paths to select a specific reconciler:

dagster-me check --module my_python_module.my_submodule:my_reconciler

Applying changes#

To apply changes to your managed elements, you can instead run the apply command:

dagster-me apply --module my_python_module.my_submodule

Using managed elements to configure Airbyte#

As an alternative to configuring Airbyte using its UI, you may create and update Airbyte sources, destinations, and connections using managed elements.

Defining a reconciler#

The first step is to create a reconciler, which is pointed at a specific Airbyte instance using an Airbyte resource. It is provided with a list of connections to reconcile, which we will set up next.

from dagster_airbyte import AirbyteManagedElementReconciler, airbyte_resource

airbyte_instance = airbyte_resource.configured(
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": "8000",
        # If using basic auth, include username and password:
        "username": "airbyte",
        "password": {"env": "AIRBYTE_PASSWORD"},

airbyte_reconciler = AirbyteManagedElementReconciler(

Defining sources and destinations#

Next, we will define our sources and destinations. These are defined using the AirbyteSource and AirbyteDestination classes, respectively.

from dagster_airbyte import AirbyteSource, AirbyteDestination

cereals_csv_source = AirbyteSource(
        "url": "",
        "format": "csv",
        "provider": {"storage": "HTTPS", "user_agent": False},
        "dataset_name": "cereals",

local_json_destination = AirbyteDestination(
    destination_type="Local JSON",
    destination_configuration={"destination_path": "/local/cereals_out.json"},

Defining a connection#

Finally, we will define a connection between our source and destination. This is defined using the AirbyteConnection class.

from dagster_airbyte import AirbyteConnection, AirbyteSyncMode

cereals_connection = AirbyteConnection(
    stream_config={"cereals": AirbyteSyncMode.FULL_REFRESH_OVERWRITE},

We'll supply our new connection to the reconciler we defined earlier:

airbyte_reconciler = AirbyteManagedElementReconciler(

Applying changes#

Next, we'll use the dagster-me CLI to sanity check our reconciler and apply any changes:

dagster-me check --module my_python_module.my_submodule:reconciler

Found 1 managed elements, checking...
+ cereals-csv:
  + url:
  + format: csv
  + dataset_name: cereals
  + provider:
    + user_agent: False
    + storage: HTTPS
+ local-json:
  + destination_path: /local/cereals_out.json
+ download-cereals:
  + source: cereals-csv
  + destination: local-json
  + normalize data: None
  + streams:

Since this looks good, we'll apply the changes:

dagster-me apply --module my_python_module.my_submodule:reconciler

Now, we should see our new connection in the Airbyte UI!